Yn yr adran yma:
Angen siarad â rhywun nawr?
- Cael cyngor cyfreithiol cyfrinachol am ddim
Galwch 08001 225 6653 - Dydd Llun i Ddydd Gwener 9.00am i 8.00pm
- Dydd Sadwrn 9.00am i 12.30pm
- Mae galwadau yn costio o 4c y funud - neu gofynnwch i ni eich ffonio'n ôl
Chwiliwch am gynghorwyr yn eich ardal chi
Ceisiadau a phenderfyniadau lloches
Mae�n cynnwys gwybodaeth am y gweithdrefnau parthed caniatáu lloches, yn cynnwys sgrinio a chyfweliadau.
Gwybodaeth a chyngor o wefannau eraill
The asylum process made simple
Information on what asylum is, how the process works and how decisions are made.
From: Asylum Aid
The asylum process
Explains the process for considering applications for asylum and what you can expect while you are waiting. It also tells you about your rights and responsibilities as an asylum applicant.
From: UK Border Agency
A guide to your asylum interview (PDF)
This guide is to help you prepare for your asylum interview and to give you information about what to expect and your rights are.
From: Refugee Council
Have you applied for asylum before 5th March 2007 and have not been granted the right to stay in the UK?
Explains how the UK Border Agency is dealing with asylum applications submitted before 5th March 2007 and how it affects asylum seekers.
From: Refugee Council
Positive decision on your asylum application
Explains your rights if you are given refugee status, humanitarian protection or discretionary leave to stay in the UK. Information available in English and other languages (PDF).
From: Refugee Council
Making a fresh claim for asylum
This advice sheet is written to help you understand the legal situation you may be in, together with some practical tips about what you or your friends or supporters can do to help you make a fresh claim.This information is aimed at people in the Manchester area, but might be helpful for people in the rest of England and Wales.
From: Greater Manchester immigration aid unit
What do I need to show to qualify as a refugee on the grounds of my sexual orientation?
Explains how to show that if you were returned to your home country you would face serious harm because you are a gay man or lesbian.
From: UK Lesbian and Gay Immigration Group
Anybody who requires international protection can apply for asylum in the UK. Covers when to apply, and what happens when you apply for asylum?
From: Coventry Law Centre
- Darparwyd y dolennau gan Advicenow Gwefan annibynnol ddi-elw yw Advicenow sydd yn darparu gwybodaeth ynglŷn â hawliau a materion cyfreithiol. Mae'r dolennau a ddarparwyd gan Advicenow wedi'u dewis yn ofalus o dros 200 o wefannau o'r DU gan gynghorwyr profiadol.
Ein dewisiadau rhagorol
Hawlio lloches
Gellir delio â chais am loches yn y DU mewn nifer o ffyrdd. Canfyddwch beth yw’r prif bethau sydd ar geiswyr lloches angen eu gwybod.
Mewnfudo a chenedligrwydd
Mae yna lawer o gyfreithiau a rheolau sy’n dweud pwy all gael mynediad i’r DU, hynny’n dibynnu ar pam eich bod yn dod a ph’un a ydych eisiau aros yn barhaol ai peidio. Dysgwch am eich hawliau ar gyfer cael mynediad i’r DU ac aros yma.
Cynnal ceiswyr lloches
Mae’r Asiantaeth Ffiniau a Mewnfudo yn darparu cefnogaeth, llety a chymorth ariannol i geiswyr lloches tra ystyrir eich cais. Mae’n cynnwys y ffurflen i wneud cais am gefnogaeth.
Gwefan amlieithog y Cyngor Ffoaduriaid
Gwybodaeth i ffoaduriaid mewn nifer o ieithoedd gwahanol.
Angen cyngor nawr?
Ffoniwch 08001 225 6653 am gyngor cyfrinachol a diduedd am ddim, neu gofynnwch i ni eich ffonio neu eich e-bostio'n ôl.