Yn yr adran yma:
Angen siarad â rhywun nawr?
- Cael cyngor cyfreithiol cyfrinachol am ddim
Galwch 08001 225 6653 - Dydd Llun i Ddydd Gwener 9.00am i 8.00pm
- Dydd Sadwrn 9.00am i 12.30pm
- Mae galwadau yn costio o 4c y funud - neu gofynnwch i ni eich ffonio'n ôl
Chwiliwch am gynghorwyr yn eich ardal chi
Gwahanu, ysgaru a diddymu partneriaethau sifil
Materion cyfreithiol pan fydd eich perthynas yn gorffen, p�un a ydych yn briod neu wedi cofrestru fel partneriaid sifil ai peidio.
Gwybodaeth a chyngor o wefannau eraill
Divorce - a survival toolkit
Looks at ending a marriage or a civil partnership. Includes the divorce process, how children and financial issues fit in, how the law works, and what the alternatives to going to court are. Gives practical tips to help you plan for the future.
From: Advicenow
Ending a marriage
Information on financial issues, children and housing during divorce and separation, including the process of family mediation.
From: Adviceguide from Citizens Advice
Ending a civil partnership
Information on financial issues, children and housing when a civil partnership breaks down.
From: Adviceguide from Citizens Advice
Ending a cohabitation
Information on financial issues, children and housing when a living-together relationship breaks down, including the process of family mediation.
From: Adviceguide from Citizens Advice
Family problems
Alternative dispute resolution options for disputes within families, including those between parents and children and between couples. Includes mediation for divorce and separation.
From: ADRnow
Relate offers advice, relationship counselling, sex therapy, workshops, mediation, consultations and support face-to-face, by phone and through this website.
From: Relate
Unmarried couples
The rights of unmarried couples are not as protected as they are for married couples. Explains what you can do to protect your rights to money and property if you separate.
From: Compactlaw
Divorce and Separation - helping you sort out the finances
This website, brought to you by the Financial Services Authority, provides impatial information and guidance to help you stay on top of your fianncial situation while you are going through a divorce or separation.
From: Money Made Clear
I want a divorce
Explains the process of divorce, and on what grounds a divorce can be granted.
From: TheSite
Relationships - questions and answers
Information about relationship breakdown. Covers separation, divorce, mediation, property, and maintenance.
From: Compactlaw
Frequently asked questions about family matters
Frequently asked questions about family matters.
From: Adviceguide from Citizens Advice
Managing money after separation, divorce, or dissolution of civil partnership
Starting out on your own can feel daunting, especially if you are not used to making decisions about the finances. This link explains the things that you need to think about when sorting out your finances following a split.
From: Money Made Clear
My partner and I have separated. What rights do I have to see our children?
Explains unmarried fathers' rights to keep in contact with their children.
From: Adviceguide from Citizens Advice
Information and support for separated families
A range of resources and information items to help you through the difficult time of separation. Includes information on how your children migth feel, parenting apart, and help for grandparents.
From: Centre for Separated Families
Unmarried couples - splitting what you have
Helpful information on dividing your property and money after separation. Includes information on tax, savings, pets, and businesses of your own.
From: Money Made Clear
I want to apply for a financial order (PDF)
A guide for you if during or after a divorce, marriage annulment, or judicial separation, you want to settle disputes over money or property.
From: HMCS- Her Majesty's Courts Service
- Darparwyd y dolennau gan Advicenow Gwefan annibynnol ddi-elw yw Advicenow sydd yn darparu gwybodaeth ynglŷn â hawliau a materion cyfreithiol. Mae'r dolennau a ddarparwyd gan Advicenow wedi'u dewis yn ofalus o dros 200 o wefannau o'r DU gan gynghorwyr profiadol.
Ein dewisiadau rhagorol
Ysgaru a gwahanu
Eich sefyllfa gyfreithiol os ydych yn briod neu mewn partneriaeth sifil ac yn ystyried gwahanu neu ysgaru.
Trais yn y cartref, cam-drin ac aflonyddu
Eich hawliau cyfreithiol os ydych yn dioddef unrhyw fath o gam-drin yn eich cartref gan aelodau eraill o’ch teulu. Canfyddwch sut i gael help ymarferol i’ch amddiffyn chi a’ch plant.
Byw gyda’ch gilydd a’ch hawliau petaech yn gwahanu
Eich hawliau os ydych yn byw gyda phartner ond heb fod yn briod nac mewn partneriaeth sifil.
Ewyllysiau a phrofiant
Pan fydd person yn marw, bydd rhywun yn gorfod delio â’i bethau a phenderfynu beth fydd yn digwydd i’r hyn a feddai. Canfyddwch beth ddywed y gyfraith am y modd y dylai hyn ddigwydd.
Angen cyngor nawr?
Ffoniwch 08001 225 6653 am gyngor cyfrinachol a diduedd am ddim, neu gofynnwch i ni eich ffonio neu eich e-bostio'n ôl.