Yn yr adran yma:
Angen siarad â rhywun nawr?
- Cael cyngor cyfreithiol cyfrinachol am ddim
Galwch 08001 225 6653 - Dydd Llun i Ddydd Gwener 9.00am i 8.00pm
- Dydd Sadwrn 9.00am i 12.30pm
- Mae galwadau yn costio o 4c y funud - neu gofynnwch i ni eich ffonio'n ôl
Chwiliwch am gynghorwyr yn eich ardal chi
Hawliadau a thaliadau budd-daliadau
Sut i hawlio budd-daliadau, a sut y cewch eich talu.
Gwybodaeth a chyngor o wefannau eraill
Benefits for people looking for work
Information on Jobseeker?s Allowance including benefit rates, who can claim and how to claim.
From: Adviceguide from Citizens Advice
Payment of benefits and tax credits
Payment of benefits and tax credits by direct credit transfer into bank and building society accounts or Post Office card accounts.
From: Adviceguide from Citizens Advice
Benefits for people over sixty
Information on benefits for people over 60 including retirement pension, pension credit, winter fuel payments and Christmas bonus
From: Adviceguide from Citizens Advice
Benefits for people who are sick or disabled
Benefits for a person who is sick or has a disability, including information for carers and benefits for accidents at work and industrial diseases.
From: Adviceguide from Citizens Advice
Benefits for families and children
Benefits for pregnant women and parents, including maternity allowance, maternity grants, child tax credit, child benefit and child trust fund.
From: Adviceguide from Citizens Advice
Benefits and tax credits for people in work
Information on working tax credit including who can get it, how to calculate how much you may get and other help you may be entitled to.
From: Adviceguide from Citizens Advice
Help for people on a low income - income support
Information on income support covering who can claim, how to claim, how decisions are made and other help you may be entitled to.
From: Adviceguide from Citizens Advice
Problems with benefits and tax credits
Information on how to appeal against benefit decisions and on complaining about standards of service for benefits and tax credits.
From: Adviceguide from Citizens Advice
Overpayment of benefit
What to do if you have been overpaid benefit. Do you have to pay it back? Information about appeals and penalties .
From: Coventry Law Centre
Make a complaint about benefit and tax credits service standards
You have the right to expect a reasonable standard of service from the people dealing with benefits, tax credits and national insurance. If not, you should consider complaining.
From: Adviceguide from Citizens Advice
- Darparwyd y dolennau gan Advicenow Gwefan annibynnol ddi-elw yw Advicenow sydd yn darparu gwybodaeth ynglŷn â hawliau a materion cyfreithiol. Mae'r dolennau a ddarparwyd gan Advicenow wedi'u dewis yn ofalus o dros 200 o wefannau o'r DU gan gynghorwyr profiadol.
Ein dewisiadau rhagorol
Taflen budd-daliadau lles
Mae yna lawer o fudd-daliadau gwahanol ar gael, hynny’n dibynnu ar eich anghenion a’ch amgylchiadau. Canfyddwch sut y mae’r system fudd-daliadau yn gweithio.
Pwy sydd â hawl i gredydau treth?
Canfyddwch a ydych chi â hawl i gredydau treth, a sut i’w hawlio.
Rwy’n dychwelyd i’m gwaith. A atelir fy holl fudd-daliadau?
Canfyddwch pa fudd-daliadau y gallasech fod â hawl iddynt wedi i chi ddychwelyd i’ch gwaith.
Gordalwyd fy mudd-dal. Beth wna i?
Y rheolau ynglŷn ag ad-dalu gordaliadau budd-dal.
Angen cyngor nawr?
Ffoniwch 08001 225 6653 am gyngor cyfrinachol a diduedd am ddim, neu gofynnwch i ni eich ffonio neu eich e-bostio'n ôl.