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Sex crimes
Information about various sexual offences.
Information and advice from other websites
Rape or sexual assault: information for women
Being a victim of any kind of crime can be frightening and upsetting. But rape and sexual assault are particularly distressing crimes for the victim and the effects can last for a long time. This site provides information about what services Victim Support provides and talks about processes such as telling the police, and what a court procedure would be like. It also contains information and links to support if you are worried about the risk of pregnancy or contracting a sexually transmitted infection after a sex attack.
From: Victim Support
Rape or sexual assault: information for men
Being a victim of any kind of crime can be frightening and upsetting. But rape and sexual assault are particularly distressing crimes for the victim and the effects can last for a long time. And men can find this kind of attack difficult to deal with because this is widely, but wrongly, thought of as a crime that only affects women. This site provides information and support to male victims of rape or sexual assault, including what happens after you decide to tell the police, and the court process. It also includes information and links to support if you are worried you may have a sexually transmitted infection.
From: Victim Support
Rape and sexual violence
This site provides information about what rape and sexual assault is, including the legal definition of rape. Aims to remove old preconceptions about what rape is, and includes links to further informaiton on issues like drug rape, marital rape, the causes of rape, rape abroad, and HIV and rape. Information is aimed at women.
From: Rape crisis
From report to court: a handbook for adult survivors of sexual violence (PDF)
This extensive handbook provides a guide to criminal proceedings and procedures in relation to sexual violence. It covers pre-court, reporting and prosecuting stages.
From: Rights of Women
About male rape and sexual abuse
Information from an organisation specialising in helping male victims of rape and sexual abuse. Covers what male rape and sexual abuse is and the support avaliable.
From: Survivors UK
Sexual offences explained
Explains the laws around sexual offences, including the age of consent, assault and rape.
From: TheSite
Covers sexual assault and rape. Includes advice for victims and how you should expect to be dealt with by the police.
From: BBC
Drug rape
Provides information about drug rape, aimed at women.
From: Rape crisis
- More links Links provided by Advicenow Advicenow is an independent, not-for-profit website providing information on rights and legal issues. Links provided by Advicenow are hand picked from over 200 UK web sites by experienced advisers
Our top picks
Rights of victims and witnesses
Includes information about your right to protection, your right to privacy from the media, your rights if you report a crime to the police, and your rights in court as a witness.
Dealing with the police
If you have a complaint about the way that the police have treated you (or someone else), there are things you can do about it. Learn about your rights, and the different types of action you can take.
Your defence in the courts
If you have been charged with a crime and are due to appear in court, you need to get a solicitor. Find out what happens at court so you know what to expect.
Prisoners’ Advice Service
Prisoners' Advice Service provides legal advice and information to prisoners in England and Wales on their rights. They can also take up prisoners’ complaints about their treatment inside prison.
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