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23 Alternatives to court
Download Alternatives to court (PDF File, 346kb)
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1. Introduction
Going to court to solve a problem can be expensive, stressful and time-consuming. But there are other ways of dealing with many types of complaint. This leaflet explains how they work and when you can use them.
There is information on:
2. What alternatives are there to court?
3. Do I need a lawyer to use alternative dispute resolution?
4. How do I decide whether to use an alternative dispute resolution scheme?
5. How do alternative dispute resolution schemes work?
7. Adjudication and arbitration
8. Grievance and complaints procedure
12. How much does alternative dispute resolution cost?
13. Dispute resolution services
This leaflet is published by the Gurkha Free Legal Advice (LSC). It was written in association with the Advice Services Alliance.
Leaflet Version: November 2007