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Housing related benefits
Benefits for help with your housing costs. Includes information on housing benefit, council tax benefit and mortgage payments from income support.
Information and advice from other websites
Housing benefit
Housing benefit is available to help people who are on benefits or who have low incomes to pay their rent. It is paid by local councils. Explains how to apply for housing benefit and how it is paid.
From: Shelter
Help with your rent - housing benefit
Information on housing benefit including who can claim, how to claim and how much rent is paid.
From: Adviceguide from Citizens Advice
Housing benefit for young people
The rules about housing benefit are different if you are under 25, are a student, or have been in care in the past. (This applies only in England)
From: Shelter
Help with your council tax - council tax benefit
Information on council tax benefit and second adult rebate including who can claim, how to claim, disputes, appeals and backdating.
From: Adviceguide from Citizens Advice
Council Tax Benefit
Help you can get to pay your Council Tax. Explains who can get it, how to claim and how much you can get. Includes a downloadable claim form.
From: Directgov
Council tax benefit
A guide to claiming help with Council tax for people over 60. Gives examples to show how these benefits are calculated.
From: Age Concern
Housing benefits
Information on what housing benefit is, if you qualify to claim it, and how you can claim it. Links to a factsheet with more informaiton.
From: Age UK
Social fund grants and loans
If you don't have money for essential things that you need for your home, you might be able to get a loan (which you have to pay back) or grant (which you don't) from the social fund.
From: Shelter
Who is eligible for housing benefit (HB) and council tax benefit (CTB)?
Information for new arrivals to the UK on who can get housing benefit and council tax benefit, and common problems.
From: Housing Rights Information
Help with mortgage interest
If you are claiming certain benefits, you may be able to get help with your housing costs, including mortgage interest and interest on loans you have taken out for repairs or improvements. This type of help is often referred to as support for mortgage interest (SMI) or income support mortgage interest (ISMI) payments.
From: Shelter
Help with mortgage costs if you're out of work
Help with mortgage costs if you're out of work including which benefits you must be getting to get help with your mortgage, how much of your mortgage costs can be paid and whether you can get your mortgage costs paid straight away.
From: Adviceguide from Citizens Advice
- Links provided by Advicenow Advicenow is an independent, not-for-profit website providing information on rights and legal issues. Links provided by Advicenow are hand picked from over 200 UK web sites by experienced advisers
Our top picks
Can I get help if I’ve nowhere to live?
Can I get help if I’ve nowhere to live? Find out what you can do if you can’t stay in your current home.
Renting and letting leaflet
Your legal rights, if you rent a flat, house or bedsit. If you are a private landlord, learn about your rights and duties to your tenants.
Neighbourhood and community disputes
Your rights in relation to problems with neighbours, whether you are complaining about your neighbour or the neighbour is complaining about you.
Buying and selling property
How to deal with many of the common problems you may have with buying or selling a house or flat.
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