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Job seeking benefits
Benefits you may be able to claim if you are looking for work, or if you are in work and have a low income.
Information and advice from other websites
Benefits for people looking for work
Information on Jobseeker?s Allowance including benefit rates, who can claim and how to claim.
From: Adviceguide from Citizens Advice
Benefits and help when looking for work
If you're unemployed and available for work you may qualify for Jobseeker's Allowance and other benefits, depending on your circumstances. You may also get help and support with your search for a job through the New Deal scheme.
From: Directgov
Jobseeker's Allowance
Explains what Job Seeker's Allowance is and the conditions you must meet to claim it.
From: Directgov
Jobseeker's Allowance
Young people aged 16-25 have been hit hard by the recession with an increasing number being unable to find a job. If you're aged 18 or over, you can claim Jobseekers Allowance, but how do you claim it and how much do they pay out?
From: TheSite
Employment and Support Allowance
Explains what Employment and Support Allowance is, who can get it, what the tests are and how to claim.
From: Adviceguide from Citizens Advice
Benefits and help when going back to work
Benefits and services you can claim if you are starting work or returning to work. Includes help with housing costs, extended payments of housing benefit and council tax benefit.
From: Directgov
New deal
Explains the government programme that gives people on benefits help and support to look for work, including training and preparing for work.
From: Directgov
Job Grant
Basic information about claiming a Job Grant one-off tax-free payment when you, your partner or civil partner comes off benefits to start work.
From: Directgov
Jobseeker interviews and appeals
Explains what is involved with signing on, covers Jobseeker interviews, Jobseeker's Agreements, and your appeal rights.
From: TheSite
JSA complications
How live-in lovers, students, hardship provisions and under 18's can affect the JSA you receive.
From: TheSite
Dismissal and benefits
Dismissal and social security benefits including the effect of insolvency payments on benefits.
From: Adviceguide from Citizens Advice
Help with health, education and legal costs
Information on financial help with health, education and legal costs for people on a low income.
From: Adviceguide from Citizens Advice
Volunteering (PDF)
Information on what volunteering is and how volunteering affects your right to benefits
From: Adviceguide from Citizens Advice
- Links provided by Advicenow Advicenow is an independent, not-for-profit website providing information on rights and legal issues. Links provided by Advicenow are hand picked from over 200 UK web sites by experienced advisers
Our top picks
What can my employer deduct from my wages?
Answer yes or no to our questions and find out what your rights are and what you can do next.
Rights At Work (PDF, 514 kb)
Are you being treated unfairly by your manager, facing suspension or the sack, or dealing with another work problem? Find out what your employer must and must not do.
Rights for disabled people
You don't have to put up with discrimination or harassment because you have a disability. Find out your legal rights, and what to do if you are discriminated against.
Racial discrimination
You don't have to put up with discrimination or harassment because of the colour of your skin or your ethnic group. Find out your legal rights, and what to do if you are discriminated against.
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