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Council tax
The rules about paying council tax, which replaced the community charge (poll tax). Includes how your property is valued and who is entitled to discounts and exemptions.
Information and advice from other websites
Council tax
Information on council tax including valuation bands, discounts and reductions, how to pay, arrears and the appeals system.
From: Adviceguide from Citizens Advice
Council Tax
Check your current council tax band and find out how much you will pay. Includes information about how your property has been valued, how to appeal, when home improvements may increase your council tax banding, and arrangements for people with disabilities.
From: Valuation Office Agency
Council Tax
Links to a factsheet which explains the banding system for Council Tax for people over 60, exemptions and discounts, and who has to pay it. Also gives some brief information about claiming Council Tax Benefit.
From: Age UK
Council tax appeals
Information on what to do if If you think that the council has made a mistake with your council tax bill, and how you can ask the council to look at the bill again.
From: Shelter
Council tax exemptions
In certain circumstances you may not have to pay council tax. Read more about this to find out if you are eligible and how to arrange it with the council.
From: Shelter
Council tax discounts
You may be able to get a discount on your council tax bill if you live alone or with someone who is exempt from paying council tax. Find out more about getting a discount, with links to information on who is exempt.
From: Shelter
Help with your council tax - council tax benefit
Information on council tax benefit and second adult rebate including who can claim, how to claim, disputes, appeals and backdating.
From: Adviceguide from Citizens Advice
Bailiffs and council tax
Explains your rights if bailiffs come to your home to try and collect council tax arrears. It explains what you should do, what the bailiffs are allowed to do, and how to complain if a bailiff acts illegally.
From: National Debtline
Council tax benefit
A guide to claiming help with Council tax for people over 60. Gives examples to show how these benefits are calculated.
From: Age Concern
- Links provided by Advicenow Advicenow is an independent, not-for-profit website providing information on rights and legal issues. Links provided by Advicenow are hand picked from over 200 UK web sites by experienced advisers
Our top picks
Debt management tool
Use our debt management tool to get free, impartial debt advice.
Dealing with debt
Your legal rights when you have debts, and the protection you have from people who are demanding money from you.
What are the powers of bailiffs and debt collectors?
Your rights when dealing with bailiffs or debt collectors.
Magistrates court fines
If the magistrates court convicts you of a criminal offence it may impose a fine, which is payable to the court. Use our advice tool to find out what to do next.
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