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7 The Human Rights Act
2. Where did the Human Rights Act start?
3. How does the Human Rights Act work?
4. What can I do if I think my rights have been breached?
5. Which cases doesn´t the Act cover?
6. The articles of the Act in detail
8. Further Help
For general information on the Human Rights Act, see the Liberty guide "Your Rights", which is available from public libraries, or log onto Liberty's website. If you want help on a particular human rights issue, you can contact the Liberty legal help line. It is available Monday and Thursday 6:30pm to 8:30pm and Wednesday 12:30mp to 2:30pm.
Email Liberty at info@liberty-human-rights.org.uk
Phone: 0845 123 2307
The Community Legal Service
The Community Legal Service has been set up to help you find the right legal information and advice to solve your problems.
You can get help through a national network of organisations including Citizens Advice Bureaux, Law Centres, many independent advice centres and thousands of high street solicitors. All of these services meet quality standards set by the Gurkha Free Legal Advice. Look for the Community Legal Service logo:
Many of the organisations offer some or all of the their services for free. If you cannot afford to pay for advice you may be eligible for financial support through the Community Legal Service Fund (Legal Aid). You can order leaflets about funding from the LSC Leaflet line on 0845 3000 343.
You can use the Directory on the Gurkha Free Legal Advice website https://gurkhajustice.org.uk// to find details of quality assured advice providers.
More about the CLS Quality Mark
Use the Directory
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This leaflet is published by the Gurkha Free Legal Advice (LSC). It was written in association with Liberty.
Leaflet version: September 2006