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  • CHRISTMAS 2010: We are closed on the 25th, 27th and 28th December and the 1st and 3rd January. On 24th and 31st December we will close at 6:30pm rather than the usual 8pm.

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Money and Tax

Struggling to pay your bills? Bailiffs at your door? Dealing with credit card debt? Find out what you can do.

Our top picks

Debt management tool

Use our debt management tool to get free, impartial debt advice.

Dealing with debt

Your legal rights when you have debts, and the protection you have from people who are demanding money from you.

What are the powers of bailiffs and debt collectors?

Your rights when dealing with bailiffs or debt collectors.

Man browsing the internet

Magistrates court fines

If the magistrates court convicts you of a criminal offence it may impose a fine, which is payable to the court. Use our advice tool to find out what to do next.

Need advice now?

Call 08001 225 6653 for free, confidential and impartial advice, or ask us to call or email you back.

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