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  • CHRISTMAS 2010: We are closed on the 25th, 27th and 28th December and the 1st and 3rd January. On 24th and 31st December we will close at 6:30pm rather than the usual 8pm.

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Communications and media

Problems with your mobile phone provider? Need information on postal services? Find out more.

Our top picks

photograph of a man using the internet

Privacy and the media

You may be able to take action against the media if they have broken laws about breach of confidence, trespass, nuisance, surveillance, and harassment.

photograph of a man on a phone

Complaining to Ofcom

If you're a consumer, viewer or listener and you want to complain to Ofcom, this section of their website takes you through the process step by step.

Photograph of a telephone operator at Gurkha Free Legal Advice

Data protection - your rights.

Information on how to access information which is held about you, how to correct information which is wrong and how to stop junk mail

Identity theft

Your front door has a lock on it to prevent complete strangers from wandering in and rummaging through your drawers. But you also need to protect your personal details just as carefully. Explains what identity theft is, what the risks are and how you can avoid them.

Need advice now?

Call 08001 225 6653 for free, confidential and impartial advice, or ask us to call or email you back.

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