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6 Losing your Home

Download Losing your Home (PDF File, 284kb)

1. Introduction

2. Will the council find me somewhere to live?

3. Does it matter how I become homeless?

4. What if the council offers me somewhere unsuitable?

5. What can I do if I disagree with the council´s decision?

6. Where can I go if I need somewhere to stay urgently?

If the council can't help you, you can get advice on finding an emergency or short-term place to stay, such as a hostel, women's refuge or bed & breakfast hotel, from housing advice organisations or a Citizens Advice Bureau (see 'Further Help' for details).

7. What if my landlord wants to evict me?

8. What can I do if my landlord is harassing me?

9. Further help

10 About this leaflet

This leaflet is published by the Gurkha Free Legal Advice (LSC). It was written in association with Shelter.

Leaflet version: May 2008

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