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  • Cael cyngor cyfreithiol cyfrinachol am ddim

    Galwch 08001 225 6653
  • Dydd Llun i Ddydd Gwener 9.00am i 8.00pm
  • Dydd Sadwrn 9.00am i 12.30pm
  • Mae galwadau yn costio o 4c y funud - neu gofynnwch i ni eich ffonio'n ôl

Chwiliwch am gynghorwyr yn eich ardal chi

Iechyd rhywiol a chenhedlu

Eich hawliau i gael gwasanaethau gofal iechyd ar gyfer iechyd rhywiol a chenhedlu. Yn cynnwys atal cenhedlu; beichiogrwydd; a phrofion ar gyfer afiechydon a drosglwyddir yn rhywiol.

Gwybodaeth a chyngor o wefannau eraill

  • Contraception

    Explains about the different methods of contraception.

    From: NHS Choices

  • Contraception

    There are 14 methods of contraception to choose from. Explains how they work, and gives advantages and disadvantages of each method.

    From: Brook

  • Your guide to contraception

    A guide to choosing and using contraception. Includes where you can get. contraception, what to do if you become pregnant, information on contraception and the menopause, and contraception and breastfeeding.

    From: FPA

  • Emergency contraception

    If you have had unprotected sex, you can use emergency contraception. If you act quickly, emergency contraception will usually prevent pregnancy.

    From: FPA

  • The facts - emergency contraception

    Emergency contraception can be used if a contraceptive method fails (for instance a condom splits or a pill is forgotten or taken late) or if you haven't used any contraception at all.

    From: Brook

  • An introduction to pregnancy

    Pregnancy can be an exciting and sometimes unpredictable time. Explains what to expect, from the first warning signs, to scans and tests and your rights as a pregnant woman at work.

    From: BBC

  • Pregnancy

    Includes information about pregnancy testing, and advice for you if you if you are facing an unplanned pregnancy.

    From: Brook

  • Screening and testing during pregnancy

    The tests offered to you during and after pregnancy will help you find out more about your own health, and the health of your baby before or after he or she is born. However, it is your choice to accept or refuse any of these tests.

    From: National Childbirth Trust (NCT)

  • Health in pregnancy grant

    Information on a one-off, tax-free payment from H M Revenue and Customs (HMRC) if you're a mum-to-be who's at least 25 weeks pregnant. The payment is called 'Health in Pregnancy Grant' and is to help you prepare for the birth of your baby.

    From: Directgov

  • Fertility: Information for the public

    Describes the guidance that the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) has issued to the NHS on assessing and treating people with fertility problems.

    From: National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE)

  • Infertility - a basic understanding

    What can cause infertility problems? Outlines the treatments for infertility and gives sources of further help and advice.

    From: Patient UK

  • Infertility

    Explains the causes of infertility, and the treatment options available.

    From: NHS Choices

  • Sexually transmitted infections

    Information about what sexually transmitted infections are, signs and symptoms of an infection, how to get treated, and where to go if you are worried you might have an infection. Also includes information about how to prevent yourself from catching an STI.

    From: FPA

  • HPV vaccination

    From: NHS Choices

  • HIV and AIDS

    Explains what the difference is between HIV and AIDS, how HIV is passed on, signs and symptoms and tests and treatment.

    From: Terrence Higgins Trust

  • HIV testing information

    There are lots of things to think about before you decide whether to have an HIV test or not. Gives some questions you may wish to ask yourself before you decide.

    From: Terrence Higgins Trust

  • Darparwyd y dolennau gan Advicenow Gwefan annibynnol ddi-elw yw Advicenow sydd yn darparu gwybodaeth ynglŷn â hawliau a materion cyfreithiol. Mae'r dolennau a ddarparwyd gan Advicenow wedi'u dewis yn ofalus o dros 200 o wefannau o'r DU gan gynghorwyr profiadol.

Ein dewisiadau rhagorol

Ysgaru a gwahanuYsgaru a gwahanu

Eich sefyllfa gyfreithiol os ydych yn briod neu mewn partneriaeth sifil ac yn ystyried gwahanu neu ysgaru.


Trais yn y cartref, cam-drin ac aflonyddu

Eich hawliau cyfreithiol os ydych yn dioddef unrhyw fath o gam-drin yn eich cartref gan aelodau eraill o’ch teulu. Canfyddwch sut i gael help ymarferol i’ch amddiffyn chi a’ch plant.

Byw gyda'ch gilydd a'ch hawliau petaech yn gwahanu

Byw gyda’ch gilydd a’ch hawliau petaech yn gwahanu

Eich hawliau os ydych yn byw gyda phartner ond heb fod yn briod nac mewn partneriaeth sifil.

Ewyllyiau a phrofiant

Ewyllysiau a phrofiant

Pan fydd person yn marw, bydd rhywun yn gorfod delio â’i bethau a phenderfynu beth fydd yn digwydd i’r hyn a feddai. Canfyddwch beth ddywed y gyfraith am y modd y dylai hyn ddigwydd.

Angen cyngor nawr?

Ffoniwch 08001 225 6653 am gyngor cyfrinachol a diduedd am ddim, neu gofynnwch i ni eich ffonio neu eich e-bostio'n ôl.

nôl i'r dechrau